Changes in the management

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

The shareholder families have strategically decided to strengthen ODW-ELEKTRIK in order to align the family business with the future, promote organic growth and remain a reliable partner for customers and suppliers.

In order to pave the way for the next generation of shareholder families, the managing partner Mr. Christian Weiß has left at his own request and the managing partner Ms. Andrea Med will also resign from office in Q2 2025 and enter her well-deserved retirement.

In order to continue to shape the transformation of the automotive industry in the coming years and to meet the requirements of the market, in addition to the operational managing director Mr. Martin Ehret (COO), another industry professional, Mr. Holger Harnack, was appointed managing director (CFO), who will henceforth be responsible for the areas of finance, SCM and IT.

The shareholder families continue to work in a wide variety of places in the company and bear responsibility. In the future, Mr. Alexander Med will support the management as an authorized signatory and accompany processes at this management level.

We thank you for your trust and look forward to further successful cooperation.


Best regards,

The management of ODW-ELEKTRIK GmbH


Martin Ehret (COO)               Holger Harnack (CFO)          Andrea Med (Managing Partner)

Al Jazeera Balkans reports about ODW ELEKTRIK in North Macedonia

• Following the recent elections in Macedonia and the change of government, the team of Al Jazeera Balkans has visited ODW ELEKTRIK to sense if the business expects any change in the political course of the country,
especially in the course of EU accession
• Al Jazeera took the opportunity to present also the achievements earned during the 10 years existence of ODW ELEKTRIK in Macedonia

You can watch the outcome in the following video (in Serbo-Croatian language): Investitori očekuju nastavak EU puta S. Makedonije